To value education, we:
- Strive to develop a lifelong love of learning in our students.
- Focus on the intellectual, ethical and social development of our students.
- Live by an honor code based on honesty and integrity.
- Devote time and resources to educating children to fulfill their promise and potential.
To implement democratic practice, we:
- Develop conditions and processes that foster dialogue.
- Create and maintain a learning environment of respect, tolerance, collaboration and discipline.
- Appreciate and celebrate the cultural, religious and social diversity within the school community.
- Provide structures for participatory decision making.
- Give students a freedom of choice consistent with their development, and hold them accountable for the consequences of their choices.
To support excellence, we:
- Foster a style of learning that is active, self-directed, discovery based and engaging.
- Provide experiences in which students can excel by learning the value of work and commitment.
- Implement performance standards based on curricula that define essential learning outcomes.
- Use effective evaluation methods to help students’ focus, direct and reflect on their learning.
- Acquire the technologies and resources necessary to enrich learning in all areas.
- Prepare students for the emerging professions of the future.
- Provide a campus and facilities that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
To support the centrality of language, we:
- Provide students with an integrated bilingual educational program.
- Develop literacy in its fullest sense: verbal, mathematical, scientific, and artistic.
- Meet individual students’ needs in the area of language and literacy.
To respond to individual student needs, we:
- Provide health and counseling programs for students in collaboration with their parents.
- Provide enrichment programs and services, and integrate enrichment activities into the classroom environment.
- Provide direction, and support special learning needs through a strong, multidisciplinary, student services program.
- Promote extracurricular activities to meet student needs and to develop student talents.
To fulfill social responsibilities, we:
- Nurture social awareness and responsibility along with concern and respect for oneself and others.
- Provide opportunities for all students to experience the value of helping others through a strong community service program.
- Emphasize environmental issues, and prepare students to deal with the increasing human ability to alter the planet’s environment.
To build the school community, we:
- Create community dynamics at the classroom level.
- Provide team building strategies for faculty and administrators.
- Establish partnerships with parents as essential collaborators and vital members of the school community.
- Value all members of the community and encourage solidarity based on democratic practice.