CB Forum
13th Forum on Teaching & Learning
With world–class standards, Colegio Bolivar is at the forefront of bilingual education, technology, and resources. Colegio Bolivar is a private, non–denominational, international school located in Colombia’s third largest city (population about 3 million).
Founded in 1947 to serve the dependents of expatriate personnel assigned to Cali, the school’s population has shifted over the years from a majority of expatriate students to a majority of Colombian nationals, made up for the most part of dependents from multinational businesses, and Cali’s successful professional community.
Our community, including just over 1,300 students, is divided into four school sections: Preprimary, Primary, Middle, and High. Each is led by its own principal and has its own faculty and facilities. The school, whose primary language of instruction is English, is college preparatory, with almost 99% of our graduates continuing onto higher education in Colombia and abroad.
Located on a thirty-five acres campus, Colegio Bolivar consists of ten classroom blocks, a science building, a library/media center, an auditorium, two gymnasiums, two swimming pools, a cafeteria, an administration area, several athletic fields, and a great deal of open space. Cali’s ideal weather allows for the unusual feature of truly “open” classrooms: the rooms themselves have only three walls, with the fourth open to the outdoors! The campus, with its lush landscape, flower gardens, and mountain views, is a very beautiful one.