CB Forum
15th Forum on Teaching & Learning
All participants must register individually, using this form, no later than Friday, February 7, 2025. This will also be the deadline for the person responsible for paying the registration fee to contact Colegio Bolivar (see instructions on the right).
The Forum’s registration fee is COP $450,000 (US $100) per participant, which includes lunch and snack on both days, simultaneous translation of the keynotes, as well as transportation from and to the hotel (if you stay in one of the selected three), and a souvenir. This fee must be paid no later than Friday, February 14, 2025.
In order to generate the invoice and send the instructions to make your payment, you should send an email to Adriana Dávila, our Accountant Assistant, at adavila@colegiobolivar.edu.co In the email, please include the name of the person/ school that will make the payment, with the corresponding ID/RUT numbers, address, and phone number, so Adriana can contact you. When you make your payment, you should send a copy of the deposit slip to the same address adavila@colegiobolivar.edu.co. If you have any questions about this, please contact Ms. Dávila to the address above or via phone to 57-602-4855050, Ext. 292.