Make Bolivar Better
Your feedback is very important to Colegio Bolívar.
Therefore, as part of our ongoing efforts, Colegio Bolivar has as online service available on its Website with the tool Make Bolivar Better.
This application is a method through which all Community members can seek support, give suggestions and express their concerns or just to congratulate the School or a staff member on a job well done.
All information is confidential; however, your name is necessary so that we may follow up on your comments. All comments will be addressed. Hard copies of the format are also available in every school office, if you wish to register your comment on this form instead.
We know there are different types of feedback which you, as a member of our community, may offer in order to make our school better. However, we do want to remind you that there are other channels available for resolving concerns or making suggestions before using the online service Make Bolivar Better. Nevertheless, feel free to use this application when necessary.
Channels available to address your concerns or suggestions:
- Parent: If it’s regarding an academic issue, you should contact your son’s or daughter’s teacher; if it is a course issue, you should contact the Principal; if it is a matter related to the administration, please contact the Community Affairs Office or for school wide issues please contact the Director’s Office.
- Staff member: you should talk to your direct supervisor first, before talking to the Director.
- Student: please discuss your concerns with your teacher first (if it is a course issue) and then with your section counselor or principal.
Your comments will allow us to forge a better School.