

The Preprimary section has one counselor and an assistant: Gloria Cecilia Domínguez counselor in El Nido, K4, K5, 1st Grade andMaría Camila Cortés counselor assistant in El Nido, K4, K5, 1st Grade.

Preprimary children from K4 through 1st initiate a considerable social growth. They begin to let go of parallel play and being egocentric which are developmentally appropriate at an early age and they begin to include others to share in their play, activities and decisions.

In this interaction, the children frequently stumble on conflicts, which are part of their daily lives. Instead of protecting them, we help them develop skills to be able to overcome them in a proactive manner.

Developing skills to resolve conflicts allows them to live in a community and learn how to work in a group. The Character Education Program delivered by the counselor helps the children develop social and personal skills such as empathy, values, social agreements, and express feelings in an assertive manner, amongst others.

We aim to help our children become adults in the future who work cooperatively solving real life situations in a proactive way and with No violence, seeking each day to become better persons.

How does Counseling support children?

  • Through literature or “Wall stories” as children magically name them, we read stories associated with real daily experiences for them. They are stories rich in content, in which children can identify easily, and thus helps us work on our objectives.
  • Through cooperative games which allows the children to experience teamwork, fulfillment to come to agreements, efforts and common goals.
  • Through role playing which allows children to develop creative strategies and rehearse possible responses to solve conflicts strengthening themselves and the group as a whole.
  • Through community circles which allows them to learn to listen to each other and reflect on group work.
  • Through the use of theater productions or stories we help teach personal and social skills that help them develop a moral and social conscience.