Social Service

Social Service is a fundamental objective of the curriculum of the Colegio Bolívar, which seeks to develop a moral consciousness and social responsibility for our students in order to promote being example citizens. The hands-on experience is the best way to help the students understand that their own wellbeing depends on the well-being of others. Lectures, conferences and talks are important but not enough so that our students can become committed leaders who are able to participate in the processes, which help improve the life conditions in other communities. It is for this reason, that the Colegio Bolívar has been offering time periods in which the students are able to share with other communities, and in this way, strengthening their qualities as an ideal citizen.

Social service promotes:

  • The reflection by administrators and teachers about applying the Social Service objective in all areas and grade levels of the school
  • The permanent reflection by the educational community to consider social service as part of the upbringing of these young people who are then able to project this social commitment, which they have developed during their school years, in their jobs or future profession
  • The interaction of the school´s students with different communities, so that they get to know the reality of our country and contribute to the formation of a more equal and solidary country
  • The participation of students in different Social Service activities and having them understand that this is not an academic requirement rather a commitment and an opportunity which every citizen has for themselves and their community

Criteria to work with the institutions:

  • El Servicio Social se hará con instituciones que permitan, mediante el trabajo continuo, crear lazos de fraternidad con nuestra comunidad
  • Se trabajará con instituciones que demuestren compromiso social con la comunidad y que estén de acuerdo con la filosofía del colegio Bolívar
  • Las instituciones deben conocer los objetivos de Servicio Social del Colegio Bolívar y privilegiar en las actividades que se planean conjuntamente la participación y el enriquecimiento mutuo
  • Las instituciones deben aceptar que los aportes de tipo económico de parte del Colegio Bolívar son de carácter voluntario
  • Los representantes del colegio y de las instituciones deben planear, ejecutar y evaluar las actividades de integración conjuntamente basándose en principios de respeto, solidaridad y compromiso
  • Las actividades de integración se deben realizar en lo posible en las instalaciones de ambas instituciones siempre y cuando se garantice la seguridad e integridad de los participantes


Sinergia, a social service program of the Colegio Bolívar created in 1997, is for students who are committed and dedicated to provide a summer camp for low-income children of Cali, which encourage the establishment of the basic values of citizens in order to live in harmony..